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SHN 745 1954 Bristol LS5G ECW B45F New to United Automobile Services, Darlington, County Durham, UK.

(ID 738098)

SHN 745
1954 Bristol LS5G
New to United Automobile Services, Darlington, County Durham, UK.
Fleet number BU55

Seen in storage near Escrick, York, awaiting restoration.

11th July 2021

SHN 745
1954 Bristol LS5G
New to United Automobile Services, Darlington, County Durham, UK.
Fleet number BU55

Seen in storage near Escrick, York, awaiting restoration.

11th July 2021

Mark Dolan 14.07.2021, 155 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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NNN 7M,  a 1974 ECW DP47F bodied Bristol RELH6L, new to Mansfield District as fleet number MC7, is seen at the Plaxton works in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, at an event.  22nd April 2007.
NNN 7M, a 1974 ECW DP47F bodied Bristol RELH6L, new to Mansfield District as fleet number MC7, is seen at the Plaxton works in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, at an event. 22nd April 2007.
Mark Dolan

HDV 626E is a 1967 Bristol RELL6G fitted with ECW B53F bodywork.  It was new to Southern National as fleet number 2700.  Seen here in Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK, attending the Aire Valley Transport Group Running Day on Sunday 10th October 2021.
HDV 626E is a 1967 Bristol RELL6G fitted with ECW B53F bodywork. It was new to Southern National as fleet number 2700. Seen here in Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK, attending the Aire Valley Transport Group Running Day on Sunday 10th October 2021.
Mark Dolan

(227'402) - Aus Deutschland: Frey, Kusterdingen - TÜ-FY 60H - Bristol (ex Londag, CH-Bassersdorf; ex Londonbus) am 21. August 2021 in Interlaken, Flugplatz
(227'402) - Aus Deutschland: Frey, Kusterdingen - TÜ-FY 60H - Bristol (ex Londag, CH-Bassersdorf; ex Londonbus) am 21. August 2021 in Interlaken, Flugplatz
Markus Doyon

(227'401) - Aus Deutschland: Frey, Kusterdingen - TÜ-FY 60H - Bristol (ex Londag, CH-Bassersdorf; ex Londonbus) am 21. August 2021 in Interlaken, Flugplatz
(227'401) - Aus Deutschland: Frey, Kusterdingen - TÜ-FY 60H - Bristol (ex Londag, CH-Bassersdorf; ex Londonbus) am 21. August 2021 in Interlaken, Flugplatz
Markus Doyon

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